by Jared York | Jul 26, 2022 | Dahlia Grower Tutorials
Have you seen white squiggly lines on the leaves of your dahlias? It is likely Leaf Miners. What Is a Leaf Miner? A leaf miner is a black fly. However, it’s not the flies themselves that damage your dahlias, but rather their larvae. The larvae feeds on the plant...
by Jared York | Jul 26, 2022 | Dahlia Grower Tutorials
Earwigs are one of the many destructive pests that will harm your dahlias. In this guide, I will be explaining how to protect dahlias from earwigs. What Are Earwings? Earwigs are nocturnal insect pests originating from Europe.1 While they do eat other dahlia pests...
by Jared York | Jul 25, 2022 | Dahlia Grower Tutorials
Along your dahlia growing journey, you will likely come across some tubers that are known as blind tubers. A blind dahlia tuber has no eyes. In this guide, I’m going to walk through how to identify a blind tuber. Back to Basics Before continuing, it’s...