How to Protect Dahlias from Leaf Miners

Have you seen white squiggly lines on the leaves of your dahlias? It is likely Leaf Miners.

What Is a Leaf Miner?

A leaf miner is a black fly. However, it’s not the flies themselves that damage your dahlias, but rather their larvae. The larvae feeds on the plant matter and may also spread disease, too. Leaf miners are really an umbrella term for insects that mine the space between a plant’s cell wall and leaves. Moths and flies are the most common of these insects.

Ways to Protect Dahlias from Leaf Miners

There are various ways to help protect dahlias from leaf miners. For the purposes of this guide, however, I’m going to cover natural methods only.

Natural Methods to Protect Dahlias from Leaf Miners

Neem Oil

Like with other pests, neem oil can play a role to protect dahlias from leaf miners. When applied, Neem oil reduces the number of larvae that become adults.1 While neem oil isn’t an immediate solution, it can help curb leaf miners.2 The less larvae and eggs left on your dahlias, the less leaf miners bugging your dahlias in future. Neem oil is often applied with added insecticidal soap. From my research, it appears that neem oil is one of the most popular remedies to protect dahlias from leaf miners.


Wasps known as Diglyphus Isaea can be found at some plant nurseries. A formidable enemy of leaf miners, these wasps can help protect dahlias from leaf miners.1

If you use wasps, it’s important not to use pesticides as it can kill your wasps. Most dahlia pests can normally be guarded against through natural and organic solutions.

In Conclusion

Leaf Miners can be a real pain if left untreated. With the proper protections I covered, you can protect dahlias from leaf miners.

Do you employ another strategy to protect dahlias from leaf miners? Have you tried one of the methods I covered? How did it work for you? Let me know down below!



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