One of the best features of DahliaSearch is the ability to view photos of any dahlia. This is made possible because of photographers like you. Don’t consider yourself a photographer? No worries! In this guide, I will guide you through how to take the best photos of your dahlias possible.
Guidelines to Take Dahlia Photos That Look Stunning
There are a few guidelines to keep in mind while taking photos of your dahlias. With the right techniques your photos will look as good as any professional.
Landscape Orientation
It is best to take dahlia photos in landscape orientation for online viewing. What is landscape orientation? Photos in landscape orientation are horizontal. Landscape oriented photos tend fill space much better online than their vertical counterparts.
Let the Sun Illuminate Your Dahlia
When taking stunning dahlia photos, wait for the sun to illuminate your dahlia. The bloom should be in full sun for the best photo possible.
Avoid Your Own Shadow
As you take dahlia photos, it’s important to keep your shadow from getting in the way.
If you find that your shadow stays in the way of your shot, move to a different side of the dahlia. There should be other angles that work much better. The angles that do not include your shadow are generally great shots that are more-than-likely lit nicely.
Learning to Take Dahlia Photos Well Is Not Difficult
With these tips in mind, you are well on your way to take dahlia photos that are absolutely stunning. If you have any tips on taking dahlias, I would like to here from you down below in the comments.
How to Take Dahlia Photos and Upload Them to DahliaSearch
Once you take dahlia photos, you can upload them to DahliaSearch! The process is very easy. First, please make sure you’re logged into your DahliaSearch account. If you don’t have a DahliaSearch, you can register for free.
In Conclusion
When you take dahlia photos for DahliaSearch, please keep these tips in mind. Before submitting any photos, please read the Photo Submission Guidelines. I hope this guide has been useful when taking dahlia photos.